Teen Angst?

keep on screaming

rip my heart open, tear at your own voice

you were only my parents, how could you know

that the pain that you spilled on me

would continue to flow

my uncle hears voices

that are not there

and as i speak to him, i realize

things will never be the same

another uncle visits

just after my grandma dies

and the void in my heart continues to grow

until the only thing i can think

will fill the ache is chasing after vanity of vanities.

i visited a church once

and the fire of the truth seared my soul

i had to change

had to stop abusing others out of my own pain.

i gave it all to God, or so i thought

but not

and i finally realized all these years later

that everyone was not against me...

i just had to make up my mind

who to follow.

10:18 pm 1/19/07


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