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Homeschooling Took Over My Life

I just checked this thing out of curiosity about when my last blog was... it was July 8th of last year. It turns out I really did need to "break up with facebook," because if I hadn't, there's no way I would have been able to focus on homeschooling my daughter. I have found there are several things in my list of things I "used to do," including writing stories, posting blogs, drawing/doing artwork, reading books on a regular basis... lots of creative things that I found going by the wayside once I realized I was going to be homeschooling, working, taking her to Community Day (a weekly meeting for her charter), and taking my youngest to Speech Therapy. The funny thing is, I'm not really upset about the fact that I haven't been able to express myself as I normally do. I mean, I still think about it every so often, and I'm grateful for Summer Break as I'll hopefully be able to do a little bit more of it, but it hasn't "broken" ...

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