Fun Parody to "Rise and Shine"... Lazarus' Story

(To the tune of “Rise and Shine/Children of the Lord”)
The Lord found out that Lazarus
was sickly, sickly
Lord found out that Lazarus
was sickly, sickly
Had to get there
very quickly, quickly
'Cause love never fails.

He walked, and walked, but Lazarus
still died-y, died-y
Walked, and walked, but Lazarus
still died-y, died-y
Laz was wrapped in
strips of white-y, white-y
But love never fails.

Laz laid in his tomb
for four long days-ys, days-ys
Laid in his tomb
for four long days-ys, days-ys
(Mary thought Jesus was
a little lazys, lazys)
But love never fails.

Jesus came down
and said to roll the stone a-wa-y
Jesus came down
and said to roll the stone a-wa-y,
Martha said, “He's
really stinky, no wa-y!”
But love never fails.

“LAZARUS, COME OUT!” said Jesus,
so loudly, loudly
“LAZARUS, COME OUT!” said Jesus,
so loudly, loudly
Laz came and scared the
entire crowd-y, crowd-y
'Cause love never fails.

Laz was unwrapped,
and Jesus hugged his friend-y, friend-y
Laz was unwrapped,
and Jesus hugged his friend-y, friend-y
Love beats the grave and
Is never end-y, end-y
'Cause love never fails.

So rise, and shine,
and give God the glory, glory
Rise, and shine,
and give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine and
Go tell the story, story:
That love never fails.


  1. Oh my goodness... Trying to sing this along with the real song is almost impossible. I keep laughing. :)


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